Thursday, October 04, 2007

I won't sell my Facebook app for $99 billion. $100 billion though...

 You'll probably need a Facebook account to read this blog entry below.  When you add your new account, Facebook will be worth $100,000,000,010.  Why?  Because it has my wife's eyes.  And my friends.  And their friends.  And one of my friends friends is a venture capitalist with friends.  And his friends golf with Steve Ballmer, who would pay $10 billion for an equity stake, even though there are Facebook user groups dedicated to leaving if Microsoft bought them, and the real Steve Ballmer isn't even on Facebook, and if he is he doesn't have any friends. 

And then Google would probably bid up $20 billion.  Or maybe Rupert Murdoch would trade up Myspace and some Fox stock.

$100 billion probably won't be worth as much in a couple years anyway, what with the US dollar and all...  MS would be getting a bargain.

They could even bundle Facebook + MS Office Live.

The only problem would be getting all those sysadmins to unblock from their firewalls.  Windows Update anyone?

Others have asked, "Don't you really mean to say that Facebook will have a valuation of $100 billion at some point in the future?"
No, I'm saying that Facebook is worth $100 billion right now because that is my estimate of the price it would take to get Mark Zuckerberg to sell. I'm also saying that Facebook's IPO, which I predict will be between Oct. 2008 and Dec. 2009, will value them at $100+ billion. Shortly after that date, their common stock will be liquid and individual VC's, founders and employee shareholders can begin to cash out a portion of their shares.
Valuation is simply defined as what a willing buyer and willing seller will agree to.

Source: Facebook | Valuation, Shmaluation -- How to Win Big When Mr. Market is Wrong

After Facebook is gone the way of a .com pet sock puppet, is it possible that this new site called Story Of My Life will go on?

The Story of My Life Foundation exists to do nothing else but to store and safeguard your life Story and those of people you love: FOREVER.

DVDs have a shelf life of about 20 years. Papers and disks (even hard drives) are destroyed or lost. Companies come and go, as do leaders, boards of directors, even purposes for original creation change. In an ever-shifting corporate world where the volatility and uncertainty of long-term viability of online software companies, a non-profit whose mission is to safeguard your Life Story for time in-memorial is the safest way to ensure future generations will be able to learn about you.

Sounds like freezing my head for future generations...  what about just blogging & using

I think I'll just go bury a USB key with my life story in my backyard.  Don't USB keys last forever?  It would probably be a bit more secure.

But where do I leave the map to the key?  Maybe will be around in 200 years.