Thursday, November 03, 2005

Recent Keyword Activity (Wavesmash Blog)

I use Stat Counter to track visits to my blog. Tracking visits is one of those obsessive things that many people like to analyze and over-analyze. Since I don't have a privacy policy, anyone who comes to my site can expect to be thoroughly tracked and all their personal information will be downloaded from their hard drives. Just kidding! Nobody really cares about you or your personal info, except for those guys from Nigeria who keep sending me emails offering me money. I find it funny when people have web sites who are trying to sell something but don't divulge things like their first & last name to you. How can you expect to have a customer buy something if you don't trust them enough with your basic contact information? No matter what you do, if you have an address, a phone number, or an email, I can find out all the information I need from you, so why not just put up that satellite image of your house from Google and be done with it?

I really just like reading the keywords for how people got to my blogs.

herb cohen play dumb
Herb's book was great and he is an awesome speaker. For only $10-15K, why not? Too bad his claim to fame and key tactic for negotiations is to act dumb. Huh? Wha? Hey, whatever frees the hostages Herb.

lotto claims office2010 I'm the only one on the results! Cool! If you searched for this, yes, this is another Nigerian 419 scam, and no, you did not win the lottery. Invest in Nigerian scams for better returns. I get about 1-2 emails a day now. Apparently the biggest export of Nigeria is spam email scams. Maybe we could make them the biggest importer of DOS attacks, trojans and viruses.

ways to get my wife to shallow after head

Not sure what shallowing is... anyone care to describe?

Update: Forgot one... 2005 email contact of all farmers in ( 5) or , or ,.ca or .net ( 5) Hopefully that is for some farmers who use micro-lending to improve their life rather than Nigerians harvesting emails.